OEM services

Looking for a reliable and accurate motion solution to integrate into your machine? We can offer you a dedicated OEM support team from design to after sales support.

Our approach

We are experienced in serving our customers with custom made rotary stages or customized multi-axis motion systems. Manufacturers of high-precision machines and metrology equipment rely on us to build prototypes from scratch or build upon one of our standard product solutions. We distinguish our OEM services into two important project phases: prototyping and mass production.

Start your project


Early on we study your specifications and work with you to decide whether to build a new solution from scratch of to modify an existing LAB Motion Systems product. Technical models are adapted and customized to meet your specific requirements.

Critical subsystems are developed and tested first. We provide you with measurement reports to validate the specifications can be achieved. In close cooperation the design will be frozen and several prototypes are made and tested by us and you. If all tests are successful, the project is ready to enter the production phase.

Start your design

Series Production

We have a proven track record in setting up and maintaining mass production of customized solutions. Every finalized unit will have the same specifications, delivered on time with reliable quality and ready to run smoothly for years and years. Our testing and quality control department makes sure that every shipped product or system complies with your exact specifications. Moreover, by reporting us your monthly updated volume forecasts, you enable us to deliver products fast and with reliable shipping times.

Start your production

Additional services


When we ship your units on time, our commitment doesn’t stop. We can support you and your customers with a maintenance contract. Guaranteed response times and advanced replacement services can be offered upon request.


Even before the first metal plate is milled we will have a good idea about the final stage performance. Our strong software knowledge enables us to simulate behavior and adapt designs prior to the first design freeze. Giving you a lower cost and faster time to market.


We help organize training for your production and maintenance staff. As we are specialists for the stages, we can give the best insights to your worldwide team to enable them to help your customers fast and bring the unit back in production in no-time.

We have a proven track record in mass production of customized solutions.

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